Courage and a New Welcome to Life

WE ALL SEEM to feel the shifts of uncertainty that are occurring at multiple levels in our lives including our spirit. Acknowledging these feelings about how we approach our daily our lives will hopefully open up an opportunity to stop and reflect about our behavior patterns prompting us to ask questions.

Ask yourself: Are you stuck in denial, apathy, self-doubt or blame? If these few samples of obstacles to everyday courage resonate with you, then you’re stuck in the past unable to embrace the major transitions going on in our culture for the past several years. Please know that it has not been easy for me either nor did I heed the advice when I heard the prediction that major changes were coming along with human suffering at all levels.

In October 2006 at my Newfield Network coaching conference in ColoradoI heard scholar and author Richard Tarnas speak. He shared his research and predictions about the human suffering that was coming in 2008 and lasting through 2011. While my work focuses on understanding how StuckThinking™ keeps us from utilizing our courage, Richard writes in Cosmos and Psyche about living in delusion. “A state of delusion about one’s actual condition in the world is carefully maintained by filtering out and denying all information that might cast question on the validity of one’s rigidly protected belief system, thereby creating a closed feedback loop.”

If you sense you are stuck in delusion about the changes going on then this is an opportunity to claim and apply your everyday courage. It is a time to start new beginnings (and for women to collectively come together). Richard continues with his predictions “…it seems altogether likely that another feminist propulsion will infuse itself into the culture and that women will emerge from the next decade and a half with considerable more political and economic power than now.”

Are you stuck in sorrow or blame or are you inviting new beginnings? Simply put: It takes everyday courage to come from your heart to face hardships without delusion. Embrace the holiday season and welcome a New Year: 2013!

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