Praise for The COURAGE Difference at Work:
A Unique Success Guide for Women
- The COURAGE Difference at Work: A Unique Success Guide for Women is Sandra Walston’s excellent follow-up book to Courage The Heart and Spirit of Every Woman. For women of all professions, this second unique guide demonstrates how any woman can achieve life-changing personal and professional breakthroughs by recognizing 12 obstacles that hold them back at work, and then how they can claim and manifest their courage that is always available. With thought-provoking charts, tips and questions, and powerful stories of women who made courage their foundational value, this book is recommended for all working women, as well as the men who work with them.
— Gail Evans, author of She Wins You Win and Play Like a Man, Win Like a Woman
- Courage exists as a quality that is available to all who step forth to claim it. Sandra Walston’s The COURAGE Difference at Work: A Unique Success Guide for Women is a call to all women to find that courage… and to find it in the marketplace, where men have typically been the giants. Within the first pages there is enough important information and insight to get each and every one of us moving. Who knows how far we will we go as we read the whole book? The time is right for this book and I welcome it!
— Dr. Dorothy Firman, psychotherapist, coach and co-author, with her mother, of Daughters and Mothers: Making it Work and the New York Times Bestselling Chicken Soup for the Mother and Daughter Soul and Mother and Daughter Soul 2
- If the world seems to be conspiring against you, your problems are solved with The COURAGE Difference at Work: A Unique Success Guide for Women. Sandra Walston gently dynamites every obstacle that your own mind conjures up to hold you back. This book is a marvel of pragmatics and philosophy, immediate help and inspiring history. The world of women is a far better place with Sandra Walston in it.
— Harriet Rubin, author, The Princessa
- The COURAGE Difference at Work: A Unique Success Guide for Women is a quest for the true self. In Sandra’s second book, she guides you to the next level: how to design your courage at work. You will learn to navigate your courage and eliminate abusive actions that might mitigate your spiritual or career advancement.
— Marilyn Van Derbur, speaker and author, Miss America By Day
- “I often look through the business sections of big bookstores and most of what’s out there is sooooooo male. The perspective seems to be ‘I came, I’m brilliant, I conquered.’ The COURAGE Difference at Work: A Unique Success Guide for Women would find its way off the shelf and into my bag for a long flight. I re-read chapters making notes in the margins and answering the questions. I would love to be able to assign this book to women with whom I’m working, and give it to girlfriends in my life.”
— Dr. Louise Klein, The Courage Institute (co-author of The Courage to Act: 5 Factors of Courage to Transform Business)
- Take heart! Sandra Ford Walston’s inspiring research into the lives of courageous women has gifted us with wondrous new guides for our own journey. This insightful work invites us to listen to our deep self calling us to our untapped courage. It is definitely a book to keep within your reach.
— Macrina Wiederkehr, Gold in Your Memories and Seasons of Your Heart
- In Sandra Walston’s second book, The COURAGE Difference at Work: A Unique Success Guide for Women, she brings home the need for women to have the courage to step up to the plate if they ever want to hit that home run. A must read for those starting out as well as those sitting in the CEO’s chair.
— Wende Jager-Hyman, Executive Director, Woodhull Institute for Ethical Leadership
- One opportunity in your work life you will never regret is having and applying more courage. Sandra Ford Walston’s insightful research explains how to combine the components of overcoming obstacles with courageous work behaviors to advance your career.
— Debra Benton, How to Think Like a CEO
- Sandra Ford Walston’s book offers women both inspiration and information to navigate the complex intersection where authentic personal well-being meets professional success. She reminds us that we cannot thrive in any environment until we have the courage to deeply know and value ourselves.
— Kathe Schaaf, Co-Founder of Gather the Women
- Sandra Ford Walston does not write run-of-the-mill ‘how to’ books. The COURAGE Difference at Work: A Unique Success Guide for Women is replete with erudition, insight and wit. It is a celebration of our human spirit’s potential, a pleasure to read and then read again.
— Anne B. Zill, President, Women’s Center for Ethics in Action
- Sandra Walston’s The COURAGE Difference at Work: A Unique Success Guide for Women will help you transform work dissatisfaction into personal power, something we all need more of in these ever changing and uncertain times. Be bodacious, buy this book, and use it!
— Mary Foley, author of Bodacious! Woman: Outrageously in Charge of Your Life and Lovin’ It!
- Rich in insight and real-life stories that overcome obstacles, The COURAGE Difference at Work: A Unique Success Guide for Women demonstrates that courage in the workplace springs from the courage for self-examination and exploring what truly matters in your life as much as your career. Sandra Ford Walston offers valuable information and inspiration to help you cultivate the courage that already exists within you.
— Sylvia L. Lovely, Executive Director/CEO of the Kentucky League of Cities, president of the NewCities Institute and author of New Cities in America: The Little Blue Book of Big Ideas
- This is a wonderful follow-up to Sandra Walston’s first book, Courage: The Heart and Spirit of Every Woman. In The COURAGE Difference at Work: A Unique Success Guide for Women, she tackles what it means to be courageous in the broadest sense of the word, as women take on and conquer obstacles that have held them back in their work and careers. Drawing on stories exemplifying the courage of individuals throughout history as they created their life’s work, and the wisdom of a broad range of modern-day writers, philosophers and sages, she has put together a veritable ‘encyclopedia’ of courage. This book is really about having the courage to acknowledge our authentic selves, and to re-align our lives on the basis of that true self. With this, women have a profound sense of their own power and potential, and can do what it takes to honor that. If you can summon the courage to read, think about and apply what Walston writes here, you will give yourself an opportunity to manifest your full potential. You may be surprised at all that lies untapped within, and discover what the author describes as the indisputable correlation between your ‘courage quotient’ and your ‘success quotient.’ The COURAGE Difference at Work: A Unique Success Guide for Women is a ‘must read’ for any woman (or man) who knows they have much more inside just waiting to come out.
— Gwen Randall-Young, Psychologist and Author of Growing Into Soul: The Next Step in Human Evolution
- The COURAGE Difference at Work: A Unique Success Guide for Women is a marvelous resource for taking the next bold step in living from the heart. With oodles of examples and supportive quotes, Sandra Ford Walston reveals the nature of female courage and provides tools for liberating its authentic expression in the world. What makes this book so effective is that it marries practical application with spiritual and psychological wisdom, emphasizing the need to balance outward action with inner awareness. Practices such as meditation allow us to hear the murmurs of the soul, and to access the currents of love, creativity, and power at our core. The author understands that healthy meditation is not about eradicating desire, but about embracing its vital energy and riding it into the heart of life. Symptoms such as anxiety and depression are urgent messages to remember our inner roots and draw from a deeper source of sustenance and strength. This helps us to navigate the obstacles, free ourselves from old scripts, and reinvent our lives and livelihood from the inside out. The COURAGE Difference at Work: A Unique Success Guide for Women does a great service, inspiring women to go forth with gusto, make the most of our precious time on Earth, and give our gifts with generosity and joy. I say, ‘Brava [yes, with an “a”], Sandra Walston!’ ”
— Camille Maurine, author of Meditation Secrets for Women and Meditation 24/7
- This, Walston’s second book, consolidates her position as the premier ‘courage consultant and author,’ in my book. She has clearly spent a lot of time and effort in thinking and meditating about balancing her research. This is not your common ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’ macho-style approach, nor your just-as-common resentful and unloving extreme feminist tirade about standing up for gender politics and exclusivity. Walston is also rare in her awareness that an egotistical ‘always being right’ attitude that is often associated with stereotypically ‘brave’ people is actually a hindrance to authentic courage. This book is inclusive, non-elitist, caring-but-strong stuff; it is for everyone. If you are one of those people who are a bit scared that being courageous will require too much energy and effort, Walston elegantly shows how ‘paradoxically, hiding your courage actually drains your energy.’ This is powerful. Many people, including myself, have had a limited and limiting view of courage and our opportunities for more courage. This book will change your perspective about courageous living.
— Adjunct Associate Professor John Jackson, Lecturer and Researcher in Marketing and Strategic Management, Central Queensland University
- Sandra Ford Walston’s recent book, The COURAGE Difference at Work: A Unique Success Guide for Women, needs to be on every woman’s bed side table. No matter what your job or career, this inspirational reference provides concrete guidance for overcoming obstacles and using your natural feminine gift of courage to claim your place as a woman leader who makes a difference. Thank you, Sandra for your amazing work.
— Dr. Nancy O’Reilly, Psy.D., Founder of