5 Tips for Applying Courage at Work

Courageous leaders recognize defining moments and apply courage at work. This conscious action is vital to their success. By developing the following behaviors in yourself, you’ll be better able to call upon your courage when needed.


1.  Constantly affirm your strength and determination

Realize that no one expects you to be perfect. They do, however, expect you to do your best. Take time for daily reflection so you can evaluate your resources and how you can best use them. When you know how your strengths can benefit your organization, you’ll be able to do what you believe is right and see any challenge as an opportunity for professional growth.


2.  Hurdle obstacles and take risks

Every behavior you exhibit and every action you take is a conscious choice. Give yourself permission to choose to be different so you can creatively navigate your way around, through, or over any obstacles that cross your path. When you feel fear set in, ask yourself, “What’s the worst thing that can happen if I do this?” Usually the worst never occurs, so take the risk.


3.  Manifest vision

There are no shortcuts when it comes to courageous leadership. Know where you want to go and develop a crystal clear vision of your goal. Become stubborn about attaining your vision so you can discard any non-productive judgments others put on you.


4.  Reflect self-esteem

All your actions reflect who you are and what you stand for. If you’re repeating a certain behavior that you don’t like, look inside and ask, “What do I need to change?” Sharpen your skills and abilities through education, reading, and training, and surround yourself with the kind of people you want to become.


5.  Speak up

If you feel uncomfortable in a situation, believe your intuition and tell those involved why you believe the situation is not right. Exercise your courageous voice by challenging the status quo and making waves when someone is putting you down or when water-cooler gossip is getting out of hand.

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