10 Teachings for Teenage Girls to Live a Courageous Life

When was the last time you used the word courage with your teenager?

The best New Year commitment any family member or friend with a teenage girl is simply to start saying and applying the word courage. The word courage comes from the French word corage, meaning “heart and spirit,” so I am not talking about the typical definition: confronting and overcoming fear.

What I offer for the New Year is a simple action step: teenage girls can be coached to stand in their true selves when they integrate their everyday courage. This action step builds a reservoir of courage, so they no longer swallow their voice in self-doubt or turn a blind eye during difficult encounters such as an inappropriate sexual overture. How do you create this foundation?

This action starts with the adults that touch the teens life. Sadly, most adults say to me, “Sandra, I’ve never even thought about the word courage. Besides, I don’t think I’ve ever done anything courageous!” Yet, most of the women I meet possess a boatload of unidentified courage. One mother shared with me an example of her everyday courage: “With children still at home, and 50 years old, I took the leap of faith when I left a well-paying job that was stifling my spirit. I was only seven years short of being able to retire with full benefits. I left my job and went out on my own. The good news is that I’ve never had regrets, and my daughters love how my story supports their courage.”

Read the complete article here: http://girltalkhq.com/10-pieces-of-advice-to-help-teenage-girls-live-a-courageous-life-in-2018/

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