“And while it takes courage to achieve greatness, it takes more courage to find fulfillment in being ordinary. For the joys that last have little relationship to achievement, to standing one step higher on the victory platform. What is the adventure in being ordinary? It is daring to love just for the pleasure of giving it away. It is venturing
You’re too intimidated to have that overdue conversation at work so you utilize a form of ambiguity that keeps everyone guessing? You’re a manager whose style of managing is hands-off. This way you don’t have to suggest ideas that might offend, be misunderstood, or be accountable. Whether you’re a manager, human resource director or CEO, you are often required (hard-pressed)
Take Courage! Be Your Authentic Self. Webster’s defines courage as mental or moral strength, and courage comes from the Old French word corage, meaning heart and spirit. So, it has little to do with society’s label of physical bravado. It’s something that originates within you, at the core of your being. Awareness of this untapped reservoir of empowerment enables you
“Every day courage is standard equipment in everyone,” believes The Courage Expert, Sandra Ford Walston. When self-doubt creeps in, ask: ‘How can I act with courage?’ Pause and reflect! “It’s likely that you already know what action is required. But knowing isn’t enough! Courage requires you to then take action; whether that’s standing alone on a business issue, or confronting
Tuesday, March 8 International Women’s Day, I thought of what Susan B. Anthony said, “Forget conventionalisms: forget what the world thinks of you stepping out of place; think your best thoughts, speak your best words, work your best works, looking to your own conscience for approval.” Yes, the courage of one’s self-esteem. #work #courage #courageousleadership #courageexpert
“Uncertainty is an inevitable condition throughout life. While we would like to get up each day to face this perpetual unknown with courage, all too often, we feel dis-couraged. Discouragement saps our energy and resolve. Maybe that’s why the Roman philosopher Seneca wrote, “Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.” Accepting the impossibility of knowing the future, of
Are you living each day in your true Self so that when your time comes to pass you will not be filled with regrets? Read this article and share: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/my-eleventh-hour-i-wish-id-had-more-courage-the-courage-expert?published=t
“Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand–and melting like a snowflake.” — Sir Francis Bacon