Segment #9: Live Convictions

One working woman told me that applying her courage at work requires that she demonstrate daily an unconditional commitment to her beliefs, values and ideals. This is not an easy commitment to maintain, especially if you are stuck in invisibility—an obstacle to courageous action. Are you willing to showcase your talents, take a chance, face failure, overcome rejection and say “No” to conformity (a courage killer)? Conformity compresses talent. The savvy worker knows that there is a direct correlation between their courage quotient and success. Courage is organic. When you seek high standards that showcase your talents you learn to discriminate and refine your worth.

Question: How do you showcase your talents, such as a soothing voice during turbulent conversations, holding yourself 100% accountability or illuminating compassion?
Answer: Hiding in invisibility might be the easiest route at work, but stepping up to exemplify this courage action is critical for advancement, so showcase your talents.
The quote to prominently post for the week: Mary Daly, feminist, scholar, theologian and controversial writer, 1928-2010: “Courage is like—it’s a habitus, a habit, a virtue: you get it by courageous acts. It’s like you learn to swim by swimming. You learn courage by couraging.”

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