Segment #6: Conquer Fear

True fear is a survival signal that sounds only in the presence of danger; yet, our culture is stuck in the creation of dualities, such as courage or fear (pretty/ugly, peace/disaster or bad/good). In other words, our culture perpetuates, “You can’t have courage without fear.” Not true! If you go to work and learn your biggest client has gone to your competitor do you embrace the fear of uncertainty and let the ego take over in the form of projections, such as “Now I am going to go under…” At this propitious moment, observe your mental chatter so you can monitor the fearful feelings created by the false self. Fear blocks and paralyzes the heart; therefore, fear blocks courage.

Question: What percentage of your life, right now, is filled with regret?
Answer: Exemplifying personal courage, a working person refuses the easy path of blaming others and steps up to “work without regrets.”
The quote to prominently post for the week: “Fear, the worst of all enemies, can be effectively cured by forced repetitions of acts of courage.” — Unknown Author

Watch this short YouTube on “Everyday Courage

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