Observations by My Yoga Teacher


January 20, 2016

Kimberly Soults, yoga teacher, unique and wise spirit

Once in a while someone takes the time to touch the heart of another person. Unbeknownst to me, my yoga teacher posted January 20, 2016 on Facebook the special insights she observes below while teaching yoga. When was the last time you touched a life and left a memorable mark–one that made that person cry with gratitude (me)?

“It’s a funny thing being a yoga teacher…watching bodies all day, learning to hear the stirrings of hearts and the whispers of souls, recognizing light snuffed out by the universal burden of life and also seeing into the pure, untouched Divine beauty in each and every one of us. The physical body reads like a roadmap to the inner body. Not to give away any secrets, but I can see so much of a student’s biography by their posture alone and what energetic frequency they emit. I adjust students with my hands, or maybe just circle their corner of the room to share my inner work with them– unspoken but felt, although they might not even know it’s happening. Perhaps I’ll say something provocative and make eye contact so you know I’m speaking right to you. Perhaps I’ll just sit by you in Savasana and we get to drink in the beauty awaiting us TOGETHER, as a shared experience in humanity.

“Then, little by little, students start to speak their biography that I’ve already known on an intimate level. Maybe they only tell me surface details, afraid of true intimacy, but I still know their depths. Or maybe they cry, let me hold them, and I cry too.

“Sandra Ford Walston is one of those magnanimous beings that lights up the room when she walks in.  I am blessed to witness her practice every week.  There is a quiet strength in her I wish I could harness and drink up for myself.  As she would say, courage—‘heart and spirit.’ It’s a funny thing, being a yoga teacher…when you think your job is to hold others…and then they turn around and hold you.

“Please read Sandra’s article on courage in the 11th hour. How are you going to live a full life, sans regrets, knowing you gave it your all, walked in Truth and found peace?”

In My Eleventh Hour: I Wish I’d Had More Courage



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