Examples of Higher Integral Levels of Courage Consciousness


How many of these examples do you display daily?  

  • They are willing to give themselves permission to claim their courage.
  • They distinguish and aptly apply the 12 behaviors of courage found on the Source Wheel.
  • They have a fierce resolve to act and to be advocates (BTW, mentors see associates to the threshold of power; advocates apply action to pull them through).
  • They squash status quo and mediocrity.
  • They understand a higher level of courage consciousness called “where courage meets grace.”
  • They establish higher standards; in other words, they do not focus on the lowest denomination.
  • They are conscious of the suffering in their lives portrayed by the false Self (content); hence, they learned to migrate to a higher integral level of courage consciousness that reside in their true Self (context). Most of us continue to reshuffle the content.
    • What do I mean by “suffering?” Suffering lives in resistance. How much is your soul worth?
  • They are curious rather than complacent.
  • They live in acceptance as a matter of free will rather than resignation.
  • They know that when obstacles are surrendered, their true Self prevails.
  • They consciously declared a declaration of courageous intention such as using the word to define their life journey.
  • They know that the greater the challenge, the greater the courage consciousness is required, such as self-discipline.
  • They know that mistakes help one retain humility.


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