Courage evolves through openly inviting and boldly seeking its cultivation (“Genius in Gray Areas”). Organizations that focus on the value of continual learning commit and recommit themselves to their imageworkforce to form productive and accountable relationships. Identifying setbacks provides one opportunity to identify patterns along with honoring each stage of courage recognition. Start to monitor your organization’s recognition of the courage initiators below and verify whether you are encouraging courageous behavior:
• Face the facts: Denial is saying “no” to courage
• Quickly take action: Swift to review worst-case scenarios
• Keep stepping up: Always move forward
• Know the value of sacrifice and discipline: Specifically declare an intent about what you want to happen
• Value “courageous will:” If there’s a will there’s a Way
• Ask for the tough projects (the project no one wants): An esteem that allows you to take on a high learning curve project or high risk management aptitude
• Trouble shooting abilities: Invite positive dissent
• Express views in a timely manner: Sensitivity to introverts/extraverts
This process not only reveals the truth about your workforce, it also eliminates unwanted debris such as undermining scripts that stall progress.
One day’s courage often predicts the next day’s expansion in creativity, inspiration, dedication, deeper engagement to the task, intensity, innovation, and the willingness to share insights. Models of individual courage give others permission to grow. No longer immune to its energy, courage deposits allow your heart to exhibit genius.
“The challenge,” says Lou Marines, President of Advanced Management Institute, “is to move beyond the sometimes archaic and pedestrian thinking represented by such items as business myths and anecdotal observations that pass for wisdom.” Courage leadership emerges naturally when human spirits come from their hearts not their heads. These authentic moments reveal the truth about learning and growing!
I would love for you to share your courage comments by posting them below.
Sandra Ford Walston is known as The Courage Expert and innovator of StuckThinking™. She is an organizational effectiveness consultant, speaker, internationally published author of bestseller COURAGE, trainer and courage coach. She is certified in the Enneagram and MBTI®.
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