“You’ve got to follow your passion. You’ve got to figure out what it is you love–who you really are. And have the courage to do that. I believe that the only courage anybody ever needs is the courage to follow your own dreams.”
— Oprah Winfrey
Book groups connect with Sandra from around the world.
Discuss The COURAGE Difference at Work: A Unique Success Guide for Women (formerly STUCK) with Sandra for free on the telephone or Skype.
Learn how to become an “Ambassador of Courage” and spread the word–courageous leadership makes the difference, but it’s an inside job!
Book club video…enjoy, and invite everyday courage into your life and courageous leadership into your work environment.
Contact Sandra and share:
When are you reading The COURAGE Difference at Work: A Unique Success Guide for Women?
- What date and time would you like to schedule your telephone discussion?
- How many people are in the book group?
- Why has your book group selected The COURAGE Difference at Work: A Unique Success Guide for Women?
- What is your purpose or intention?
Sandra will respond as quickly as possible to your email request to schedule a time. Please remember that your book club must purchase the books through Sandra’s (not Amazon). She will personally autograph each one with a special message. She accepts credit cards using Square.com.
Ponder these questions for The COURAGE Difference at Work: A Unique Success Guide for Women:
1. Why is it important to recognize the obstacles to courage?
2. If people like Victoria Woodhull, Golda Meir, Katherine Graham and Queen Boudica were alive today, what do you think they would think about the progress women in organizations have achieved to date?
3. Share an instance where you have encouraged another woman to overcome her obstacles and move toward a courage-based identity.
4. What was the value of identifying where you are on the “Five Levels of Courage Consciousness” chart? Share your journey about stepping up to the next level.
5. There is often resistant to the practice of “stopping” and finding some form of contemplation to quiet the mind? With this understanding, how might you commit to integrating this critical practice into your daily life?
6. Review your Declaration of Courageous Intention (DCI) and assess your progress. Which obstacles are you finding to be the most difficult to overcome? What have you discovered about yourself?
7. Describe what and how the concept of StuckThinkingTM has cost you. What obstacle(s) is holding you back?
8. What is the difference between courage and survival?
9. How have you learned to merge self-actualization and courage consciousness at work? What has been the response or result?
10. Where in your work life are you most able to be an observer of your scripts and the masks you wear?
11. Was there a particular interview or quotation in the book that moved you to action? If so, cite one of these examples that gave you particular insight. Explain.
12. Based on the original definition of the word courage (“heart and spirit”), why is it so important to declare your courageous intention?
13. How have you personally experienced abusive behaviors at work? Explain your viewpoints and response(s).
14. How might you begin to recognize everyday courage and use the word more frequently to identify defining moments in your work life?
15. Identify a person in your work life who has demonstrated everyday courage and analyze the obstacles s/he overcame. What skills identified in this book did s/he utilize?
16. What part does our culture play in keeping a woman from identifying and claiming her courage?
17. How has a fresher understanding of courage derived from the stories in the book affected your understanding of your own courage?
18. What immediate goal will you now create for your workplace to insure that you begin a plan to keep your courageous leadership alive and well?