While these Amazon Reviews were graciously written for STUCK, based on the greatly appreciated customer feedback, the STUCK title and book cover only (NOT the content) has been changed to The COURAGE Difference at Work: A Unique Success Guide for Women. Enjoy reading the Amazon Reviews and know the essence remains the same.

5.0 out of 5 stars By Kristene A Kashlak on June 14, 2011 Format: Paperback Verified Purchase

“Brilliantly written for anyone who is stuck. Sandra Ford Walston offers a uniquely woven blend of pragmatic and heartfelt solutions to catapult readers into ‘living their most fulfilling’. If you have lost your courage, think you do not have courage, or fear the word courage, STUCK is your Rx to self-fulfillment. So who should read this well-researched book? STUCK is for women at all titles, age, ethnic background or career phases. STUCK is the ‘platinum key’ to unlock the door to clearing the roadblocks that hinder our advancement. A gift for all generations such as Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, Millennials will learn how to step up the leadership ladder. Why? Courage is courage! Sandra Ford Walston’s STUCK is riveting, realistic and purposeful!” Tina Kashlak Nicolai


Do you know your source to success? You’ll find it here. May 13, 2011

5.0 out of 5 stars By Vadim Azbel (Staten Island, NY, US) (Paperback)

There are a lot of teaching success books. I find this one outstanding because it gets straight to the point. Sandra F. Walston gives us a visualization of traits and qualities in a form of a “Source Wheel” of behaviors of courage. Courage is the key word the author addresses from a new perspective. The author’s vision can help us personally to discern what we need from what we do not on our path to success in life.

Read this book, see the “Source Wheel,” have the courage to be who we are meant to be professionally and personally.
With gratitude, Tatyana Azbel, MSW, Life Coach


5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent Book for “Those in the Work force,” October 22, 2010

By Janet
Sandra Ford Walston’s book is easy to read, however, definitely not boring. It’s direct and to the point, and if you let it, it can lead you right up the ladder of success, fulfilling the position you have been wanting – the position you have always been qualified for but didn’t have the courage to pursue. Read STUCK, then you can face your employment challenges with the courage to move forward.

I would definitely recommend this book to all women. Let Sandra’s courageous words of wisdom work for you in your personal life as well. After reading it, I’m sure you will realize your full potential, then make it happen!


5.0 out of 5 stars By Marie Michaels “musicbeyondwords.com” (Colorado) – See all my reviews

Courage spawns from a true sense of vision. A commitment to provide oneself with vision helps sustain a leader thru the roller coaster ride we call business. Always an activist for women to ‘claim’ their courage, Ms. Watson provides us with that vision and that commitment in STUCK 12 Steps up the Leadership Ladder. Direct and to the point, each step reminds us of our strengths and weaknesses. Overcoming obstacles, self-doubt even personal worth are captured in specific detail. A great source of information that enables you to act, react, and reign in your success. A must have for women in any work environment, a must read for all managers, owners and business executives. Thank you Sandra!!


5.0 out of 5 stars Get un-stuck with STUCK, November 20, 2010

By Lynn F. Hellerstein “Vision Expert & Author o… 

Sandra Walston’s “ourage” and expertise is to be acknowledged. Her new book, STUCK provides sensitive and insightful stories from people in all walks of life. Sandra provides the steps, in this easy-to-read book, to transform you out of being stuck to finding your courage and power. This is a must read to overcome obstacles in our lives…whether it be for personal or professional issues. Take action now and read Sandra’s book! Have the courage to get unstuck.

Dr. Lynn F. Hellerstein Author of See It. Say It. Do It! The Parent’s & Teacher’s Action Guide to Creating Successful Students & Confident Kids


Never “Stuck” Again, November 3, 2010

5.0 out of 5 stars By Heartbeat Music (FL, USA) – See all my reviews Jean Harper- MoxyWomen.com 

We all get stuck at one time or another but how long do we remain stuck? It seems many people think they are “stuck” in jobs where they are unhappy, unfulfilled or powerless. Today, I see that more than ever. I would like to recommend Sandra Walston’s book to anyone that is on that “merry go round” she calls “Stuck”… After reading this book I am confident that you will get off the “merry go round” and start living a happy and prosperous life at work and in general. As she puts it so well in her book- “if you want to change your life, you have to change your stories and remove the obstacles that prevent you from transcending the false self-story.” This book is a step by step guide to living a life of leadership and courage. Kudos to Ms. Walston- your book is just what the world needs right now!


For personal and professional breakthroughs!, November 3, 2010

5.0 out of 5 stars By Rena M. Reese “luvbnme2” (Potomac, MD United States) – See all my reviews(REAL NAME)   

Sandra Ford Walston has done it again with her new release STUCK12 Steps Up the Leadership Ladder. This follow up work to her last book, Courage: The Heart and Spirit of Every Woman, should be required reading for every college student, business person, entrepreneur, and CEO. The contents of this fabulous title are relevant for anyone interested in personal growth and achieving their personal best. STUCK promises and delivers.

Would you like to know the obstacles that may be holding you back from success and how to overcome them?
Would you like to overcome self-doubt to manifest your vision of success?
Would you like to discover and utilize tools that boost your courage in the workplace and in relationships?

Your heart and spirit are the compass you should use to point you to your true north–and Sandra Ford Walston calibrates your compass so that you can overcome the 12 biggest obstacles that hold you back from success at work. This book is a terrific investment in Y-O-U!
Rena M. Reese
Founder, Soul Salon International