October 2019


How to Catch a Little Courage for a New Career

Sold your soul (again!)? Call it what you want, but you know the feeling. You’ve been at your job for over five years and you’re stuck. It’s all you talk about—how you’re uninspired, how your talents aren’t appreciated, how you feel invisible …. But talk is cheap, and if you don’t step up and do something about it (updating your

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Simple Courage Offers an Opportunity for Reflection and No Regrets

Once in a while something makes me stop and reflect on the lost courage I have accumulated in my life. Much of the accumulative suffering is couched in regrets. Regrets represent lost courage, usually layered in blame. Do you have the courage to confront this question: “What percentage of your spirit is filled with regrets?


Courage and Leadership, a Smart Lifestyle Choice

Notice reality, choose and then act on your choices. When you begin to live in the present you can recognize when you are selling your soul. For example, people assume that finding a new job will be difficult, so they remain complacent, mistakenly believing—or simply hoping—that things will change. Yet, in reality, situations seldom change by themselves. To show courage,

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