December 2015


2016 New Year’s Resolution Toast

  I hope you will have a wonderful New Year, that you’ll imagine courageously, that you’ll declare a life filled with courageous intention and you’ll make courage your daily legacy.


Present Moment

  “It’s all a matter of paying attention, being awake in the present moment, and not expecting a huge payoff. The magic in this world seem to work in whispers and small kindnesses.” — Charles de Lint, Canadian writer


What You Can Do to Create and Support a Courageous Leadership Environment?

Monitor your organization’s recognition of the courage initiators below. You do this by creating new scorecards such as regular reporting systems that can distinguish between on-courage-strategy work and off-courage strategy work. Then verify whether you or your firm measure up to the courage behaviors and states of mind. • Face the facts: Denial is saying “no” to courage • Quickly

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