August 2013


How do you learn to move beyond artificial boundaries?

  “Most people do not push past certain boundaries, particularly the artificial boundaries of corrupt or unethical workplace standards. Reflecting an absence of courage consciousness, such standards drag us down and create inroads for self-doubt. How do you learn to move beyond artificial boundaries? Do you emulate someone who exemplifies courage, a ‘courage change agent’? Have you claimed the courage

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Leaving the Dog-Eat-Dog World

  For all the readers who dream about leaving the dog-eat-dog world to pursue their life-long passion, start now! Finding the time to craft the almighty business plan or drumming up financial backing, you run the risk of fumbling the passion. So, if you’re bored, burned out or frustrated in your day job, dig into your heart and spirit (the

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Strong Intention

  “Strong intention plus dedication assisted by inspiration can surprisingly bring success, despite prior failures.” — David R. Hawkins, M.D., PH. D. Along the Path to Enlightenment


Do You Seek Feedback?

  “Courageous people seek feedback. They want to hear how others perceive them. Just like all workplace competencies, courage can be learned. To integrate a new level of self-discipline, you may need to face a paralyzing fear or confront patterns of denial. Sometimes what you are suited for is not on your radar. Isolating yourself to one career may hide

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The Courageous Spirit of the Female Entrepreneur

“Everyone has talent. What is rare is the courage to follow  the talent to the dark place where it leads.” — Erica Jong, Author   Imaginative…enterprising…visionary… self-assured…opportunistic…passionate… conscientious…resourceful—such are the expressions most people use to describe the courageous spirit of the female entrepreneur. While these descriptions are usually accurate, many people fail to see female entrepreneurs for what they really

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Are You Undervalued?

  Neglecting your courage is as easy as accepting a low salary, knowing all along that you are being undervalued. Why? Mainly because you do not ask. These experiences perpetuate invisibility. How willing are you to promote yourself and your skills? If you champion others, why can’t you champion yourself? From FACE IT! 12 Obstacles that Hold You Back on the Job