August 2010


The Final Four (of Twelve) Tips for Entrepreneurs to Apply Everyday Courage

Risk-taker…imaginative…venturesome…visionary…industrious…opportunistic—such are the expressions most people use to describe an entrepreneur. While these descriptions are usually accurate, many people fail to see entrepreneurs for what they really are: the embodiment of courage. Entrepreneurs know there is a direct correlation between success and their courageous leadership quotient. Entrepreneurs represent the true portraits of courageous endeavor. Why? Rather than accept the status

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4 More Tips to Apply Entrepreneurial Courage

Below you will find four additional tips to apply entrepreneurial courage. After you combine all twelve courage behaviors over the month of August you will be better suited to determine where you are weighted in courage actions and where you might be blind to a few other behavioral choices. For example, you’re proficient expressing yourself (speaking up), but StuckThinking™ shows

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