July 2014


Identify Regret and Choose a New Response

  Courage is not something we stumble upon as we round the corner of the cubicle at the office, but a practical internal resource—a portfolio of personal assets that can bolster our position in defining moments. A woman I will call Emily, an art gallery owner, repeatedly relied on courage in her work. She moved from Colorado to California and

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One Woman’s Perspective on the Value of Courage

  “I like to use words like dedicated, determined and committed to define myself even though that often does not resonate with me. After reading Sandra Walston’s first book, COURAGE The Heart and Spirit of Every Woman/Reclaiming the Forgotten Virtue, I was surprised by my reaction to the concept of courage. When I start to think about what I do

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Creating a Vision

In any enterprise, creating a vision requires individuals to aim at the same target. Metaphorically speaking, many individuals (and organizations) shoot rifle shots as they try to create a vision. But often, the shots are scattered, rather than orchestrated in the same direction. Why is there a tendency for this to happen? The “vision” or mission statement is stuck in

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